- working for the community -
One of our uniqueness is, that we are on-site and work together with local tour guides. Wwe are continuously working with the Punong people, understanding their needs and finding ways to support them become more resilient, regarding globalization and foreign companies looking to exploit their community and lands. - understanding the real needs of the community - The money that we gather from our tours is directly distributed to the needs of the community, by helping the local people generate their own income and business, for example the homestay at our Putang Village, their hand-crafted shop and the trekking in the jungle with the local guide helps each guide support his family. We want to develop sustainable jobs and preserve the elephants and their habitat. - not to westernize the community - It is important to us not to try to westernize the Punong community but to help keep the traditions and culture alive, and make them proud to share these traditions, knowledge and way of living with tourists. The Volunteering ProjectsWe offer three different volunteering projects, where Volunteering School - teaching English to the village kids - is our main focus and investment into the future of the kids and their families.
Average work time per day is no more than 5hours where 3hours (from 4pm to 7pm, Monday to Friday) is in giving English classes. Volunteering Building
With your support, we continue to maintain and repair the school building. Every now and then there can be small improvements be done. Click for more information... Volunteering Gardening With your support, we green our own garden. We have an exchange on how the plants here grow and you may bring your own experience. Click for more information... Volunteering School With your support and English skills, you can teach our kids (age from 6-16) as well as adults (16+) in their English skills. The better they can speak and write english, the more opportunities they have for the future. Click for more information... |
Actions already done for the community. Let's continue! |