Elephants are some of the most clever and largest animals walking on earth, therefore conserving and protecting the elephants' herds is very important. Bak Mai is one of the elephants in Putang Village. He is already "married" with a princess and got a son in 1993. Bak Mai is around 90 years old and taking care of the herd and the villagers, he never made someone sad and makes sure, it is worth to visit him and his family in Mondulkiris jungle. Also, Bak Mai's wife and princess, around 70 years old, is the best lady elephant in Putang Village. She always makes all visitors happy and feel warm with her and her family. Kraw Pum is with around 45 years is the youngest elephant in the Putang Village, the villagers call her Chilly Girl, because whenever she would like to eat, she uses her nose to catch something quickly and eats a lot. But when she is swimming, she moves like humans and the visitors always have a laugh with her. Ompun is a male elephant (70) and was born in the nearby village Dak Dam. He moved to Putang Village to enrich the herd. Although he is single, he is a good company for the herd and the Putang Village.